Chapter 33: Peptide siderophores from pseudomonas. | Book Title: Perspectives in natural products chemistry.
Chapter Author(s): H.Budzikiewicz Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Atta-ur-Rehman and Philips William Le Quesne
Chapter 33: Peptide siderophores from pseudomonas. Book Title: Perspectives in natural products chemistry. - Karachi HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry 1988 - Page(s) 625-642
QD415.2 / .P47 1988
Chapter 33: Peptide siderophores from pseudomonas. Book Title: Perspectives in natural products chemistry. - Karachi HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry 1988 - Page(s) 625-642
QD415.2 / .P47 1988