Chapter 4: Homogeneous Nature of the True Catalystic Species for Heck Reactions with Supported Pd Particles | Book Title: Advances in Organic Synthesis
Chapter Author(s): Lin Huang and Pui Kwan Wong Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Atta-ur-Rehman
Chapter 4: Homogeneous Nature of the True Catalystic Species for Heck Reactions with Supported Pd Particles Book Title: Advances in Organic Synthesis - U.A.E Bentham Science Publisher 2013 - Page(s) 139-173
Chapter 4: Homogeneous Nature of the True Catalystic Species for Heck Reactions with Supported Pd Particles Book Title: Advances in Organic Synthesis - U.A.E Bentham Science Publisher 2013 - Page(s) 139-173