Chapter 3: Drug Development and the Importance of Ethnicity: Lessons from Heart Failure Management and Implications for Hypertention | Book Title: Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry
Chapter Author(s): Michael D. Sosin,Gurbir S. Bhatia, Gregory Y.H. Lip and Russell C.Davis Book Author(s)/Editor(s): Atta-ur-Rehman and Allen B. Reitz
Chapter 3: Drug Development and the Importance of Ethnicity: Lessons from Heart Failure Management and Implications for Hypertention Book Title: Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - U.A.E Bentham Science Publisher 2006 - Page(s) 45-58
Chapter 3: Drug Development and the Importance of Ethnicity: Lessons from Heart Failure Management and Implications for Hypertention Book Title: Frontiers in Medicinal Chemistry - U.A.E Bentham Science Publisher 2006 - Page(s) 45-58